Fonio dryer in Burkina Faso

As required at the June 2015 Dakar Workshop, a cross flow dryer (CSec-T) was built in Bobo Dioulasso in November 2015 for integrating an innovation platform for the development of improved technologies of fonio processing. Conducted by the company SOLDEV (Mamadou Ouattara) with the supervision of a technician from Cirad (Antoine Delpech) and under the aegis of leaders (Thierry Ferré and Ignace Medah) of the WP4 "innovation process in small plants" of Aval Fonio project.

In a first step, the dryer will be installed at the IRSAT Bobo Dioulasso for a training session about the implementation of fonio drying. This training session, carried out in collaboration with the NGO Afrique Verte Burkina (Aprossa), will be organized for fonio processors in Western Burkina Faso.

The objective of this activity is to adapt this model of dryer to the needs of VSBs and SMBs in fonio and other cereals processing, via this platform for innovation, taking into account the technical and socio-economic conditions of local manufacture and use.

Published: 10/12/2015